
Just Two Possibilities

Tonight at my part time job, I taught the money management class. Realistically, this class comes down to one statement: spend less than you earn. However, that doesn’t take the requisite two hours, so I actually have to do a little more work, but there really are just two possibilities to improve your cash flow.

First, increase your income. Get a better job or a second one; start a business or a blog; sell stuff on eBay and Craigslist; snowflake, snowflake, snowflake!

Second, reduce your expenses. Do a budget and figure out things you can eliminate or cut back on; cut coupons; do comparison shopping; reduce waste; consider cheap and healthy hobbies like hiking or running.

That’s really it. There’s no magic anywhere else, it’s really just those two things. They’re the only ways you can actually improve your cash flow, so consider your options carefully.

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